Veyseloglu Group of Companies announced ...
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Veyseloglu Group of Companies announced the Retail Index for August
The Veyseloglu Retail Index includes the most purchased 4,317 products by customers of Veyseloglu Group of Companies. This index includes fresh food (FMCG), food and non-alcoholic beverages, alcohol and tobacco products. Each category is weighed according to sales volumes. As a result, it is possible to track change in average annual and monthly product prices.
Compared to August 2020 in August 2021 the product prices included in the "Veyseloglu Retail Index" increased by 6.1%. Compared to August 2020 in august 2021 there was an increase by 4.0% in fresh food, 8.5% in food and non-alcoholic beverages and 5.6% in alcohol and tobacco products.
The mission of Veyseloglu Group of Companies is to provide society with fresh, healthy, affordable and high quality daily consumer goods. Based on the presented Veyseloglu Retail Index, it is clear that the Group of Companies serves its mission by pursuing a reasonable and maximum stable pricing policy.
Veyseloglu Group of Companies announced the Retail Index for August
The Veyseloglu Retail Index includes the most purchased 4,317 products by customers of Veyseloglu Group of Companies. This index includes fresh food (FMCG), food and non-alcoholic beverages, alcohol and tobacco products. Each category is weighed according to sales volumes. As a result, it is possible to track change in average annual and monthly product prices.Compared to August 2020 in August 2021 the product prices included in the "Veyseloglu Retail Index" increased by 6.1%. Compared to August 2020 in august 2021 there was an increase by 4.0% in fresh food, 8.5% in food and non-alcoholic beverages and 5.6% in alcohol and tobacco products.The mission of Veyseloglu Group of Companies is to provide society with fresh, healthy, affordable and high quality daily consumer goods. Based on the presented Veyseloglu Retail Index, it is clear that the Group of Companies serves its mission by pursuing a reasonable and maximum stable pricing policy.
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Veyseloglu Group of Companies announced the Retail Index for September
The Veyseloglu Retail Index includes the most purchased 4,317 products by customers of Veyseloglu Group of Companies. This index includes fresh food, food and non-alcoholic beverages, alcohol and tobacco products. Each category is weighed according to sales volumes. As a result, it is possible to track change in average annual and monthly product prices.Compared to Semptember 2020 in September 2021 the product prices included in the "Veyseloglu Retail Index" increased by 7,7%. Compared to September 2020 in September 2021 there was an increase by 6,7% in fresh food, 9,5% in food and non-alcoholic beverages and 5,8% in alcohol and tobacco products.
Join "Returning” Exhibition for the Support of Heroes!
Dear artists!Returning” exhibition for the Support of HeroesYou are cordially invited to join the “Returning” exhibition for the Support of Heroes.The exhibition organized by Veyseloglu Group of Companies and Union of Artists of Azerbaijan, with the partnership of the YASHAT Foundation, aims to support families of those who fought for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.70% of income will be donated to the YASHAT Foundation, and 30% paid to artists.Competition in 3 nominations will be held within the exhibition. Winners will be awarded diplomas by the Union of Artists of Azerbaijan, Veyseloglu Group of Companies, and “YASHAT” Foundation.Moreover, all the artists will be awarded with certificates.The artworks can be on any subject. Paintings will be evaluated by professional artists.If you would like to be a part of this project and exhibit your paintings, please, send all required information to e-mail address. Required information:Name and surname of the artistSize of the paintingContact numberEmailApproximate price for the work of artDeadline for submission of paintings: November 1, 2021.Date: 5-11 November 2021