AmCham Hosted "Meet Your Candidate" Cock ...
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AmCham Hosted "Meet Your Candidate" Cocktail Reception
Reflecting on a cherished annual tradition, the AmCham "Meet Your Candidate" Cocktail Reception took place on March 7, 2024. This special event brought together the dynamic AmCham community for an evening of networking and engagement, providing members with the invaluable opportunity to connect with candidates running for vacant seats on the AmCham Board of Directors.
Amidst friendly and relaxed atmosphere, attendees enjoyed listening to the candidates' speeches while sipping on cocktails, offering a refreshing break from their busy schedules.
This year, there are 10 vacant positions on the Board, each vital for representing the business community effectively. Board members dedicate their time and expertise voluntarily to serve for a two-year term (2024-2026), with one member also being elected as President and Chairman of the Board of Directors.
A total of 14 accomplished professionals stepped forward, each offering their unique vision and dedication to steer AmCham towards continued excellence.
The list of candidates includes:
- Oscar Bogopolskiy, CEO of McDonald’s Azerbaijan
- Zaur Allahverdizade, Head of Compliance Department for the MENATI and CIS regions and the Head of Baker Hughes Services Representative Office in Azerbaijan and Georgia
- Dayanat Sadullayev, Chief of Staff, Member of Executive Committee at PASHA Holding
- Zaur Gurbanov, Vice-President of SOCAR
- Babek H. Aghayev, Co-Founder & Chairman of the Board of Director of PROSOL Company
- Kamil Valiyev, Partner and Co-Managing Officer at Dentons
- Rana Mammadova, General Manager of Coca-Cola Azerbaijan
- Kanan Tabasaranskiy, Founder of Smart Solutions Group
- Imran Ahmadzada, CFO of NEQSOL Holding & Head of NEQSOL Holding Azerbaijan
- Nuran Kerimov, Managing Partner of Deloitte Azerbaijan
- Shola Aliyeva, Group CHRO, Management Board Member at STP Group of Companies
- Shirin Aliyeva, Chief Legal, Ethics and Compliance Officer, Member of Executive Team of Azercell Telecom
- Azer Babayev, Partner at EY Azerbaijan
- Igor Yakovenko, General Director of AZEL Systems
Bear in mind that the elections themselves will take place at the Annual General Meeting(AGM) to be held on June, 2024.
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Bank, Maliyyə və Siğorta Komitəsinin Fevral Görüşü
On February 6, AmCham hosted BFI Committee`s Meeting.BFI Chairperson, Mrs. Aytan Rustamova, opened the meeting by welcoming members, guest speakers Sanan Hasanov (Demir Bank) and Nazim Mammadov (Alliance Group LLC) as well as informing the committee members on the achievements & challenges of the past year.Within the first part of the meeting Committee Chairperson passed the floor to the guest speaker of the meeting, Mr. Sanan Hasanov, the representative of Demir Bank who delivered a report on “EnergoCredit”, the collaborative project of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) with Demir Bank. The presentation was followed by Q&A session.Short bio of our guest speaker:Mr. Hasanov holds a master of Finance from Azerbaijan State University of Economy. He is currently working for DemirBank OJSC as Marketing Director. He has more than 10 years experience in banking sector in Azerbaijan. He has managed and implemented many local and international projects.During the second part of the meeting Mr. Nazim Mammadov, representative of Alliance Group LLC has delivered a presentation on “Case studies from Georgia on EnergoCredit project”. The presentation was followed by Q&A session.The Committee meeting finished by networking and one-to-one conversations.Powered by Froala Editor

Bank, Maliyyə və Siğorta Komitəsinin Mart görüşü
On March 16, AmCham hosted BFI Committee Meeting.BFI Chairperson, Mrs. Aytan Rustamova, opened the meeting by welcoming committee members and guest speaker – Mrs. Julie Nutter, Director of the Office of Sanctions Policy and Implementation in the Department of State’s Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs.Within the first part of the meeting, Mrs. Julie Nutter delivered a very informative speech on “US Policy & Sanctions on Russia and Iran” followed by Q&A session.During the second part of the meeting, Mrs. Nutter introduced Mr. W. Stuart Huffman, Foreign Service Officer of the Office of Sanctions Policy and Implementation, who joined her during the Q&A session.Short bio of our guest speaker:Julie Hagarty Nutter is the Director of the Office of Economic Sanctions Policy and Implementation (SPI) in the Department of State’s Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (EB). Prior to her current posting, she was the Economic Minister-Counselor at the U.S. Embassy in London. From 2005 to 2008, Ms. Nutter was the Director of the Office of Development Finance in the Economic, Energy, and Business Affairs Bureau. She previously served as the Economic Counselor in the U.S. Mission to the European Union in Brussels. During her Brussels tour, she volunteered for an Iraq Provincial Reconstruction Team Leader position and spent seven months in Iraq, mostly in Basra, working to improve governance capacity at the provincial level. In earlier jobs, she headed the Ukraine desk of the State Department in the run-up to the Orange Revolution, worked closely with other donors on G-8 and Balkan reconstruction issues, and did political and economic reporting during the Liberian civil war. Ms. Nutter has a Masters’ degree in National Security Resource Strategy from the National Defense University and a Masters’ degree in International Economics from Georgetown University. She has two daughters, and grew up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.Powered by Froala Editor

Bank, Maliyyə və Siğorta Komitəsi və Korporativ Sosial Məsuliyyət Komitəsinin birgə görüşü
On May, 18, AmCham hosted BFI and CSR Committees` Joint Meeting.Mrs. Nargiz Nasrullayeva-Muduroglu opened the meeting by welcoming participants as well as introducing Mrs. Natavan Mammadova as the newly appointed Director of AmCham Azerbaijan. Afterwards, she passed the floor to Mrs. Ayten Rustamova, Chairperson of BFI Committee, who introduced guest speakers to the audience – Mrs. Gwen Burchell, Director of United Aid for Azerbaijan (UAFA) and Mrs. Natavan Hasanova, researcher of Strategic Research Center of AR (SAM).During the first part of the meeting, Mrs. Burchell informed the participants of the meeting about UAFA and its activity. Afterwards, she passed the floor to her colleague – Mr. Saleh Nasirov – who provided the detailed information about the activity direction of UAFA, particularly pre-school educationm reabilitation centers and social support and also, creation of educational systems in four regions of Azerbaijan. Moreover, Mr. Nasirov presented a video clip about Child Development Center in Baku established by UAFA.Within the second part of the meeting, the floor was passed to Mrs. Natavan Hasanova who delivered a presentation on “Research Results on Corporate Social Responsibility at Azerbaijani Banks”. Along with the report on local activities, Mrs. Hasanova provided very thorough information on CSR activities in different countries (USA, China, Japanm Germany, Italy, Australia).In the end of the meeting, Ms. Aynura Piriyeva, Chairperson of CSR Committee, announced the organization of CSR Excellence Award in cooperation with P. World on October 1, 2.Powered by Froala Editor