AmCham Azərbaycana xoş gəlmişsiniz


İnsan Resursları və Əmək

İnsan Resurları Komitəsinin görüşləri, Azərbaycanda insan resurlarının inkişafı və idarə olunması sahəsində olan məlumat və fikirlərin mübadilısinə dair yönətilmişdir. Çox vaxt, komitə üzvlərinin praktiki təcrübələri təqdimat və danışıqların əsasını daşıyir. Komitə fəaliyyətinin yeni bir aspekti, qanunvericiliyə, o cümlədən də yenidən işlənmiş Əmək Məcəlləsinə, şərh hazırlamaqdır. Komitə, AmCham üzvlərinə insan resurları idarəedilməsi sahəsində olan ən yaxşı təcrübə və vəsaitlərinin bolüşümünə imkan yaradır.Əsas diqqət mərkəzində, AmCham və iştirak edən Komitə üzvlərinin mühüm məlumat ilə təchiz olunmasıdır, aşağıdakiların vasitəsilə:Milli Əməkdaşın Əmək Haqqı barəsində İllik SorğuRüblük İnflyasiya SorğusuHazırkı Azərbaycan əmək qanunvericiliyinə dair qaynaqlarİR İdarəedilməsi sahəsində Təlim Sessiyaları (könüllü olaraq komitə üzvləri tərəfindən çatdırılır)Ən Yaxşı Təcrübələr sahəsində təqdimatlar (komitə üzvləri tərəfindən)İnsan resurları idarəolunması sahəsində olan təcrübələrin yerli təhsil müassələri ilə bölüşməsiMilli Əməkdaşın Əmək Haqqı barəsində İllik Sorğu, axırınci rüblüyün luncheonunda təqdim olunur.Powered by Froala Editor


Satınalmalar üzrə İşçi Qrupu 2018-ci ilin sonunda yaradıldı. 2019-cu ildə İşçi Qrupu xarici satınalma mütəxəssisləri və yerli top menecerlərin iştirakı ilə bir sıra yaddaqalan tədbirlər keçirdi. 2019-cu il ərzində İşçi qrupu, ölkədəki satınalma mühitini müsbət dəyişdirmək arzusu ilə dərin satınalma marağı olan mütəxəssislərdən ibarət bir qrup formalaşdırdı. Bu işin nəticəsi, dövlət sektorundakı satınalmaların yaxşılaşdırılmasına yönəlmiş bir sıra təklifləri olan bir Mövqe Sənədi oldu. 2020-ci ildə İşçi Qrupu Komitə statusuna keçdi və komitənin vəzifəsi, iş birliyinə və dövlət sektoruna satınalma proseslərini yaxşılaşdırmaqda, satınalma proseslərində ən yaxşı təcrübə və şəffaflığı öyrətmək və təbliğ etmək və Amcham icması çərçivəsində uğurlu hekayələri bölüşməkdir.

Tikinti İşçi Qrupu

Tikinti işçi Qrupu ölkədə daşınmaz əmlak və tikinti sənayesini təkmilləşdirməyə, narahatlıq doğuran məsələləri və ümumi çağırışları qaldırmaq, qabaqcıl təcrübələri inkişaf etdirmək, davamlılığı təşviq etmək və sektor daxilində innovasiya texnologiyaları və yanaşmalarının qəbulunu təşviq etmək məqsədi daşıyır.

Ətraflı məlumat

AmCham Azərbaycan haqqında bəzi faktlar

Azərbaycandakı Amerika Ticarət Palatası, Azərbaycanda yerləşən xarici və yerli təşkilatların maraqlarını dəstəkləyən və təşviq edən bir aparıcı qeyri-kommersiya assosiasiyadır. 1996-cı ildə yaradılmış AmCham, Azərbaycan iqtisadiyyatının hər bir sektorunda fəaliyyət göstərən 260-dan çox üzv şirkətlərdən ibarətdir. AmCham Azərbaycan bütün xarici investisiyaların təxminən 80%-ni və eyni zamanda yerli investisiyaların da əhəmiyyətli hissəsini təmsil edir. 9 sənayə sektoru komitəsi vasitəsilə, Üzv Şirkətlər məlumatları paylaşa, ümumi narahatlıq yaradan məsələləri qaldıra və mümkün olan həlləri təklif edə bilərlər. Ölkənin ən böyük və ən nüfuzlu təşkilatlarından biri olan AmCham, ən yaxşı şəbəkə imkanlarını təmin edir. Digər üzvlük üstünlükləri bazarın ən son tendensiyaları barəsində məlumatlara çıxış (İllik Milli Əməkdaşın Əmək Haqqı Sorğusu, Rüblük İnflyasiya Sorğuları, AmCham Ağ Sənədlər, AmCham İllik Hesabatları, IMPACT Azərbaycan Rüblük Jurnallar kimi informasiya qaynaqları vasitəsilə); Üzv-Üzvə Güzəşt Proqramı təklifləri; ABŞ-a B1/B2 Viza Asanlaşdırma Proqramı və s. kimi mənfəətlər təşkil edir.

Şirkətlə bağlı hər bir rəy bizim inkişafımıza təkan verir
Bütün Rəsmi Rəylər

AmCham üzvlüyünün iki növü mövcuddur: illik ödənişlər tətbiq olunan tam və köməkçi üzvlük

Daha ətraflı
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Üzv olun
Vacib AmCham xəbərləri
4 Aprel 2024

AmChams in Eurasia Forge Collaborative Pathways for Regional Prosperity

On March 28, 2024, Leadership representatives from American Chambers of Commerce (AmChams) in Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey, and Uzbekistan engaged in an important meeting fostering regional growth and collaboration. Discussions centered on organizing regular regional events and trade missions to stimulate bilateral business opportunities, while also emphasizing knowledge exchange in areas such as public-private dialogue, advocacy, and sustainability. The meeting identified sector-specific collaboration opportunities in energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and tourism, with a focus on advocating for federal support to bolster AmCham membership and engagement. Additionally, engagement in middle corridor initiatives was highlighted to enhance infrastructure development and regulatory alignment.The event underscores the collective commitment of AmChams to drive regional prosperity and growth. 

2 Aprel 2024

AmCham Human Resources and Labor Committee's April meeting

On April 2, 2024, AmCham’s HR & Labor Committee organized an engaging event on “Retention and Engagement”. The event started with the presentation of Ms. Cagla Gurdal, Head of Rewards Data Intelligence of WTW, capturing the overview of attraction and retention trends in Azerbaijan.Guest speaker Ms. Elnara Mammadova, BP Vice President People and Culture for the AGT region and Russia, spoke about retaining and engaging talent in a challenging market, sharing practical solutions from bp experience. Ms.Mammadova focused on the importance of setting vision, empowering, creating culture and assessing employee needs.Guest speaker Mr. Mehman Heydarov, Project Leader of Talent Management Department in Kapital Bank spoke about company’s strategy to retain talents. He focused on the role of EVP, on engagement tools applied within the company, highlighting the role of listening, developing and rewarding talents. Event participants had the opportunity to ask questions and exchange ideas on retention and engagement strategies. 

1 Aprel 2024

AmCham's Marketing, Communications and Business Development (MCBD) Committee's March Workshop

On March 29, 2024, AmCham Marketing, Communications, and Business Development (MCBD) committee hosted its March Workshop dedicated to “Redefining Business: Generative AI's Influence on Marketing & Sales Tactics and Product Evolution”. The guest speaker of the workshop was Mr. Emin Aliev, Chief Business Development Officer (CBDO) of Evido. Firstly, Ms. Aysel Suleymanova, Chairperson of MCBD committee, extended a warm welcome to all participants, introduced the guest speaker, and provided a brief overview of the meeting.Afterwards, Mr. Emin Aliev took the stage to deliver an informative speech on “Redefining Business: Generative AI's Influence on Marketing & Sales Tactics and Product Evolution”. During his presentation, Mr. Aliev comprehensively talked about how Generative AI will enhance customer service, marketing, and product development for humans. The workshop was concluded with an engaging and interactive Q&A session, where participants had the opportunity to exchange their views and share valuable insights.

14 Mart 2024

AmCham Azerbaijan's Nowruz Celebration Cocktail Reception

On March 14, 2024, AmCham Azerbaijan organized a Cocktail Reception dedicated to Nowruz Celebration. As per usual, the AmCham event brought together CEOs and associates of AmCham member companies, board members and committee chairpersons. Executive Director of AmCham Azerbaijan Ms. Gulnara Aslanbayli officially opened the event, greeting the guests and providing a brief foreword of the event. During her speech, she emphasized the importance of Nowruz in Azerbaijani due to its historical, cultural, and traditional roots.The event featured launching of the AmCham CSR Platform. Head coordinator of the project Ms. Sheyda Mustafabayli delivered a comprehensive presentation covering various insights and guidance on this exciting initiative that serves as a space on collaboration, connecting contributors and project owners to work together on meaningful corporate and social responsibility projects. Following the presentation, the Project Curator, AmCham Board member Mr. Shahin Mammadov, expressed his gratitude to the AmCham team, the AmCham Sustainable Development and Corporate Impact Committee, and all contributors in developing the project. Additionally, he highlighted the importance of this initiative, emphasizing its potential to foster collaboration and drive meaningful corporate and social responsibility projects. Mr. Mammadov also encouraged the business community and non-profit organizations to actively engage in the platform, share their CSR ideas, and showcase their creative CSR portfolios.Afterwards, the Reception continued with several traditional show programs involving national drum instruments, dance music performance, and a DJ show. Additionally, the reception also featured a special lottery where the guests got an opportunity to win an exclusive prize offered by AmCham Azerbaijan. 

13 Mart 2024

AmCham Legal & Compliance and Human Resources Committee's joint meeting

On March 13, 2024, AmCham Legal & Compliance committee organized a joint meeting along with the AmCham HR & Labor committee dedicated to the topic “Promoting SPEAK-UP as a tool to strengthen business integrity and create safe work environment”.Invited guest speakers of the meeting were Ms. Jamila Islamova, Ethics and Compliance Lead at BP Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey Region, Ms. Sevda Huseynova, Ethics & Compliance Officer at SOCAR Midstream, Mr. Martin Zapata, Academic Programs Senior Officer at the International Anti-Corruption Academy, and Mr. Rafael Abdullayev, Senior Human Resources Manager at NEQSOL Holding.The meeting was opened with the welcome speeches of Mr. Kamil Valiyev, Chairperson of AmCham Legal & Compliance committee and Ms. Chinara Ahmadova, Deputy Chairperson of AmCham HR & Labor Committee. Afterwards, as moderator of the meeting, Mr. Toghrul Ahmadov, Deputy Chairperson of Legal & Compliance committee took the floor and gave a brief foreword of the session. The meeting continued with speeches and presentations by guest speakers where they touched upon SPEAK-UP, its impact on compliance program and its role in mitigating compliance and integrity risks. They also comprehensively discussed the root causes behind people not speaking up and key intervention points, as well as the role of leaders in promoting speak-up culture in organizations and the importance of creating a morally safe work environment that is free from ethical hazards. The session was followed by the Q&A session and closing remarks.

23 Fevral 2024

AmCham Human Resources and Labor Committee's February meeting

On February 23, 2024, AmCham’s HR & Labor Committee organized an engaging workshop on “Coaching and Technology”. The workshop aimed to demystify the buzz around coaching and reveal its practical benefits in today's ever-changing work landscape.Mr. Parviz Tahirov, the Chairperson of the HR Committee, welcomed the participants and introduced the guest speakers. He emphasized coaching was one of the popular development tools in today’s world.Guest speakers were Ms. Ozlem Sarioglu, PCC, an accomplished professional coach, author, and co-founder of SparkUs Digital Coaching Platform, a World Economic Forum-invited startup and Ms. Dilara Jafarli, an experienced leader and Head of Learning & Development at NEQSOL Holding. During the workshop, Ms. Ozlem Sarioglu talked and demonstrated how coaching can enhance skills and improve performance. She described the digital tools that make coaching accessible to all, revolutionizing professional development on a large scale. Ms. Dilara Jafarli talked on NEQSOL experience and how integrating coaching with technology can reshape HR, leading to increased employee engagement, better performance, and overall organizational success. Workshop participants explored opportunities to use the power of coaching and technology in transforming organizations for the future. 

22 Fevral 2024

AmCham Members’ February Luncheon

On February 22, 2024, the American Chamber of Commerce in Azerbaijan (AmCham Azerbaijan) hosted its Members' February Luncheon, featuring esteemed guest speaker H.E. Mr. Mark Libby, U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan.The event commenced with a warm welcome from Ms. Gulnara Aslanbayli, the Executive Director of AmCham Azerbaijan. Ms. Aslanbayli provided updates on upcoming plans and events of the Chamber. Ms. Aslanbayli also acknowledged recent leadership changes within key committees and presented recognition plaques to outgoing Chairpersons: Ms. Ellada Alishova, Chairperson of the HR Committee; Ms. Rena Afandiyeva, Deputy Chairperson of the HR Committee; and Mr. Tural Vazirov, Chairperson of the Procurement Committee, for their dedicated service.Ms. Nargiz Nasrullayeva-Muduroglu, President of AmCham Azerbaijan, extended a gracious welcome to H.E. Mr. Mark Libby, expressing sincere gratitude for his participation. President Nasrullayeva-Muduroglu underscored the Chamber's commitment to supporting businesses in Azerbaijan and thanked Ambassador Libby and the U.S. Embassy for their contributions.U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Mr. Mark Libby, warmly welcomed all attendees and expressed sincere appreciation to the Chamber for facilitating constructive dialogue within the business community. Ambassador Libby emphasized the United States' commitment to supporting Azerbaijan's business sector and fostering strong commercial ties. He highlighted the collaborative efforts of the U.S. Embassy, AmCham, and U.S. businesses to drive innovation and growth in Azerbaijan.Thereafter, Ambassador Libby participated in an open and interactive Q&A session, where he addressed all questions from the audience.The luncheon also featured presentations from member companies highlighting their portfolios and activity directions. Speakers included Mr. Jeyhun Hajiyev, CEO of PASHA Capital; Mr. Geray Yusifov, Founder of ADVIAD; and Mr. Dayanat Ahmadov, Managing Partner of Amrop Azerbaijan.The event concluded with closing remarks from Ms. Gulnara Aslanbayli, thanking all participants for their attendance and active engagement.

30 Yanvar 2024

Intellectual Property Best Practices Conference was held

On January 30, 2024, a conference on “Intellectual Property Best Practices” was jointly organized between the American Chamber of Commerce in Azerbaijan (AmCham Azerbaijan) and the Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP) under the U.S. Department of Commerce. The event brought together about 100 participants, including representatives of AmCham member companies, international experts, and public entities.Executive Director of AmCham Azerbaijan Ms. Gulnara Aslanbayli opened the Conference, welcoming the participants and noting AmCham’s long-standing tradition of holding legal & compliance conferences. The Conference continued with opening remarks from Hugo Guevara, Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy and Mr. Zaur Allahverdizade, Vice-President of AmCham, who emphasized the importance of IP protection in overall business environment and investment attraction. The Conference continued with engaging presentations and discussion panels on various topics such as effects of counterfeiting on international brands, open source communities' role in digital innovation, fighting illegal software use, competition in the IP ecosystem, etc.On January 31 – February 1, a two-day workshop was held for attorneys and law students on the same topics with the experts from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S and Georgian attorney experts. The two-day seminar started with opening remarks from AmCham Legal & Compliance Committee’s Deputy Chairperson Ms. Sharaf Asgarova, who welcomed the attorneys and law students. The Workshop consisted relevant case-studies related to actual IP and counterfeit cases examined by the U.S. and Georgian courts, with very active involvement of the participants. Following the workshop, the attendees received certificates of recognition from the U.S. Department of Commerce. 

24 Yanvar 2024

AmCham Azerbaijan Presented White Paper 2023 to the Membership

On January 24,2024, the American Chamber of Commerce in Azerbaijan (AmCham Azerbaijan) hosted its Members’ January Luncheon dedicated to the presentation of the subsequent publication of White Paper 2024 being prepared and presented to Azerbaijan government biannually in the aim of supporting various fields of Azerbaijan’s economy. The event was attended by key stakeholders, including members of the AmCham Board of Directors, Committee chairpersons, government officials, AmCham members, and representatives of the diplomatic corps. The recommendations reflected in previous years’ White Papers were added to state programs and some of the recommendations resulted in corresponding amendments in legislation which positively aspired business environment in Azerbaijan.Ms. Gulnara Aslanbayli, Executive Director of AmCham Azerbaijan, opened the luncheon by expressing gratitude to the participants and acknowledging their invaluable contributions to White Paper 2024.Ms. Nargiz Nasrullayeva-Muduroglu, President of AmCham Azerbaijan, delivered a compelling speech highlighting key aspects of the White Paper and emphasizing its significance in shaping the country's economic trajectory. She remarked, "As we reflect on the achievements of 2024, we celebrate the restoration of our country's territorial integrity, coupled with a dedication to ongoing reforms for economic enhancement. Today, we present the 8th edition of AmCham's White Paper, a testament to our commitment to a more perfect business environment and an investor-friendly market."Ms. Nasrullayeva-Muduroglu continued, providing insights into the structure of White Paper 2024. "The document consists of 9 Chapters, encompassing recommendations on concrete areas such tax, customs, finance, insurance, ICT, labor, marketing, sustainability, procurement, FMCG, judiciary, and more. Among the total of 114 recommendations, some of the most noteworthy ones include amendments to vital legislative acts, improvements in equal access to the market and financial inclusion for banking services, the establishment of rating agencies, integration of the circular economy concept, tax forecasting in the tobacco and alcohol industry, issues related to the enforcement of court decisions, digital economy, start-up ecosystem, data protection, and procedures for trade facilitation."Afterwards, AmCham committee chairpersons delved into the specific recommendations within their areas of expertise. Ms. Narmin Aslanova, Chairperson of the Tax and Customs Committee, Mr. Babek Aghayev, Chairperson of the Digital Economy and Innovations Committee, Mr. Jeyhun Mammadbayli, Chairperson of the Banking, Finance, and Insurance Committee, Mr. Kamil Valiyev, Chairperson of the Legal and Compliance Committee, Ms. Lala Afandi, Deputy Chairperson of the FMCG Committee, Mr. Tural Vazirov, Chairperson of the Procurement Committee, and Ms. Aysel Suleymanova, Chairperson of the MCBD Working Group, presented detailed insights into the recommendations outlined in the White Paper. A notable highlight of the event was the certificate presenting ceremony, honoring the chairpersons and deputy chairpersons of committees for their instrumental contributions to the development of the White Paper.To access the White Paper and gain a deeper understanding of its contents, please following links:EN:  White Paper.AZ: White Paper/AZ 

19 Dekabr 2023

AmCham Conference on Building Consumer Trust

On December 19, 2023, a conference on “Building Consumer Trust Through Enhanced Role of Businesses in Consumer Protection” was jointly organized between the American Chamber of Commerce in Azerbaijan (AmCham Azerbaijan) and State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The event brought together about 100 participants, including representatives of AmCham member companies, business associations, and public entities. Opening the event, Executive Director of AmCham Azerbaijan, Ms. Gulnara Aslanbayli welcomed the participants of the conference and passed the floor to Mr. Elshad Farzaliyev, Chairperson of AmCham FMCG committee, to give a brief foreword of the event.Taking the floor, Ms. Rena Mammadova, Board Member of AmCham Azerbaijan, highlighted the significance of consumer interest to AmCham member companies and their readiness to take new innovative steps to strengthen consumer trust. During her speech, she also emphasized that the Chamber intends to extend the cooperation with both local and international companies and public entities in this direction. Afterwards, Mr. Elnur Baghirov, Deputy Head of the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control, particularly mentioned the necessity of public-private dialogue in the protection of consumer rights. Additionally, Mr. Baghirov noted that entrepreneurs play an important role in ensuring the right to compensation for the damage caused to the consumer such as effective resolution of disputes and the right to receive information. The significance of establishing relations on the principles of fairness at all stages of business-consumer relations was also brought to the attention of the event participants. During his speech, Mr. Baghirov also discussed other essential issues such as a number of amendments made to the legislative acts, increase on the role of entrepreneurs in protecting consumer rights, and ensuring prompt processing of consumer appeals by entrepreneurs.The conference was followed by the panel discussion on “informed and protected consumer: perspective of regulators and businesses”. Ms. Julia Polischuk from Euromonitor, Mr. Mustafa Bater from International Food and Beverage Alliance, and Mr. Ramazan Nabiyev from Food Safety Agency delivered comprehensive presentations on the topic and addressed all raised questions. Thereafter, Ms. Bensu Karahalil from Gazi University shared insights about the importance of risk assessment and communication for food safety.  Furthermore, another expert, Ms. Tutu Zeynalova touched upon existing misperceptions in food safety and role of the media in consumer protection.Summing up the conference, Mr. Elshad Farzaliyev expressed his gratitude both to the speakers and participants of the event for their valuable contributions.